As usual on a Friday night while mindlessly chewing on some nondescript food substance that is pretending to be supper, I also mindlessly chewed through some blog posts, including the Friday prompt for the Saturday Stream of Consciousness. I read:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sup.” Use it as a word or find a word that contains it. Have fun!

Oy. I started mentally tallying some words. There was anything with super or supra in it. Supple. Supine. I rolled my eyes at trying to use the slang whassup, although I wondered at the spelling. I use slang, making it instantly uncool, but there are some that just don’t come naturally. Whassup would be one. I scratched it off the list and reached for the catsup, squeezed the upside-down-but-right-side-up bottle which sputtered and splattered as much as it squirted the red sauce onto my plate and the fish sticks.

Nothing was thrilling me. No great surprise of insight to write. I supposed I didn’t have to write a SoCS post, but for as long as I can remember, if I am blogging then I do SoCS. Piffle. I picked at the edges of the blob of gluten-free chocolate brownie still in its baking dish. It isn’t plural, there’s just the one big (getting smaller) brownie. One of the joys of living alone is I don’t have to pretend to be couth. I started on the warm, crunchy side bits of brownie a few days ago, turning the square dish as I ate one fork-width path down one side, turned and plowed through the excellent corner piece, and another fork-width channel down the next side. So precise. Days later there is still brownie but it is a much smaller square in the middle of the Pyrex 8×8. I didn’t suppress the sigh of contentment as I pushed the dish back and chucked the fork back into it. Mmmm. Brownie. Bob’s Mills makes a superb gluten-free mix; this was the first time I’ve tried it, and I’ll be back for more.

I still had not tapped into the supply of interesting things to write about. It became a tossup as to write something banal or not to write anything at all. I supported the latter and wrote nothing at all.


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