I somehow knew that Linda was going to challenge me today with the prompt. I didn’t think she was sitting there with a maniacal laugh, rubbing her hands together and plotting, “How shall I make this one difficult for her?” Yeah, I’m not quite that paranoid, but somehow I knew.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “cheers.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Cheers? Oh lord.

I just finished my reheated-to-lukewarm cup of leftover coffee. The pot made a few days ago (and since refrigerated) is now empty; I need to make more. I don’t think that qualifies as breakfast. With “cheers” in mind I surveyed the selections in my refrigerator. There’s orange juice, that’s breakfasty, and I spied the elegant box of pinot grigio. I’ve been experimenting with boxed wines for a few, cash-strapped years.

Oh, how far I’ve come from pretending to be a wine connoisseur while visiting the many world class wineries in northern California. “Yes, I do detect a hint of asparagus in the aroma of this merlot,” feeling smug in my knowledge of impact compounds and swirling the wine gently in its glass. Back in working-poor land, boxed wines are becoming more popular and available, and along with that their quality has improved. Some boxed wines are quite drinkable; some are much less so. Unfortunately this Bota Box pinot grigio is of the latter ilk. The only way I can drink it is to mix it with citrus juice. Not drinking it is not an option. I paid good money for it, and as the box points out, one box equals four 730 ml bottles.

“Fine. You want me to write about cheers?” I thought somewhat defiantly. I poured said swill into a tall glass, splashed in some orange juice, plonked in a couple of ice cubes made from fresh lime juice, and for some sarcastic fun, a maraschino cherry with a stem for the all important garnish. There! A type of mimosa! I wish I had some diet ginger ale to add some bubbles. A mimosa needs bubbles.

I took a dainty sip — through one of the previously unused McDonald’s straws I have a stash of — the drink is acceptable. I blow some bubbles.

Let’s see, shall we call it a Subsidy Sangria? Look at all that vitamin C in that glass. I’m feeling like a health food junkie!

Generally mimosas are associated with brunch. It’s only time for brunch if I’m hovering somewhere over the middle of the Atlantic. Details!

I wonder if Linda ever realized that her prompts would not only cause impromptu writing to occur, but impromptu morning drinking as well?

I raise my glass to you, “Cheers!”

(video added after original post so not technically SoC, but technically funny)


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