Yeah, not my normal post, but I’ve been too depressed to write my normal posts, which gives me a lot in common with the title of this here not-normal post.

I’ve mentioned many times that I am a fan of Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess. She just posted that she’s got a lot to write about but depression has made her into a small, damp rag. BUT she did have important news.

She also suffers from lousy timing. In late 2019 she made the big decision to do something she’s always wanted: To own her own bookstore. She posted about shopping for buildings, finding the right one and… well, y’all know the rest of that story: COVID.

Miraculously (and I’m sure with the help of the money from her internationally best-selling books), the bookstore held on despite its doors never opening. There is a book club. There are internet sales. You know, COVIDy having-to-figure-shit-out-to-make-things-work stuff.

She just announced that as of this morning her bookstore, Nowhere, is open. For like, you know, real people to actually walk through the doors and browse. And to be safe, they are still wearing masks, y’all, even in Texas.

So, if you’re anywhere near San Antonio, and if you’re into books and like independent bookstores, and hell you just want to go somewhere, try going to Nowhere! It’s here, now. She’s an introvert with anxiety issues, so going to grand openings are not her thing. Too many people. So they are doing what she calls several bland openings for the rest of the year. You can even get a t-shirt.

(And no, I’m not on her payroll. 🙂 I’m just happy to see something work out for someone else. And no, I don’t live anywhere near San Antonio; I’m in New England.)


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